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Vastu Consultation for Significant Academic Success in Life!

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A detailed analysis of the Education Horoscope reveals the Astrological as well as Vastu based remedies to have a rewarding education in life

Students are so stressed out these days both due to peer pressure as well as the expectation of their parents regarding their academic performance. Parents from their experience in the crude & materialistic world out there, know that an excellent academic/educational record of their child would help him/her considerably in carving out a successful career in life.

However, in order to have a truly rewarding education, a child needs the support of the phenomenally powerful celestial bodies called planets!

An Education Astrologer analyzes the Kundli or Horoscope of a person to decode what the planets and houses are signifying for various aspects of that person’s life including education, which by the way is an incredible tool of empowerment.

How can Vastu help in performing well in academics?

Vastu is the sacred architectural science that deals with the effects of highly powerful cosmic energies as well as the effects of Five Primordial Elements upon the individuals coming in contact with various structures as per their architectural design and different functionalities inside.

A Vastu professional upon performing the Vastu analysis of a structure be it in the form of a flat, apartment, house, bungalow, villa etc., determines whether the structure is attracting positive energies from the cosmos that promote health, wealth, harmony & success or there is flaw in the Vastu of the structure which is called a ‘Vastu Dosh’ and as a result of which there is a flow of malefic energies in the house which in a very subtle yet powerful way creating problems in the lives of the residents.

Vastu recommends certain specific architectural designs based on the shape of the plot or the building as well as recommends establishing certain functionalities in very specific directions. This is because different elements are associated with different directions and any installation or construction of a functionality which disturbs the underlying element attracts negative energies from the cosmos thus, bringing problems in the lives of the people who dwell in that structure.

But even if a structure is already constructed without keeping the principles of Vastu in mind and no major architectural changes are possible now, the amazing science of Vastu recommends certain incredibly powerful Vastu Remedies & Tips that have the potential of pacifying the disturbed elements in the house and attracting positive & prosperous energies form the universe that promote success in life!

As far as the educational domain of a student is concerned, it is prudent & wise to go for a comprehensive Vastu Consultation to know the specific Vastu Remedies & Tips that are exactly based on the Vastu of the house in which the student lives and would create a flow of positive energies that would eventually enhance the academic performance of the student.

Some of the in-general but at the same time, amazingly effective Vastu based tips that work wonderfully in positively shaping up the educational trajectory of a student are:

  • A student should study while facing the North or East directions as the energies that improve focus & concentration come from these directions.
  • The colour schemes of the studying room should be light & soothing as dark colours in the room decrease the level of confidence in a student.
  • If a student is planning to go abroad for higher studies or wishes to take a job in a foreign land, then the student should palace a globe on his/her study table.
  • The studying place should be neat & tidy as a studying environment that has unnecessary items or is heavily cluttered reduces the retaining capability of a student’s mind.
  • A student should not study while sitting directly under a beam or pillar as they block the energies that increase comprehensive intelligence in a student.

So, we hope that parents would encourage their children to incorporate these tips in their lives and also go for a detailed Vastu Consultation as well to get remedies & tips that would further enhance the scope of their children forging a rewarding education and ultimately a booming career for themselves!